Mediation and Alternative Resolution Support

Mediation - Photo by Yan Krukau
Mediation and alternative resolution support can help you find a route to resolution that can avoid going to court unless necessary.

On this page

What is mediation?

Mediation is a way for you to discuss any issues arising from separation with the assistance of an impartial third party who can provide legal information and support. 

Mediation can assist with child arrangements, co-parenting and parenting concerns. as well as all financial arrangements and can involve the assistance of a Financial Neutral who can provide specialised financial information to both during the process.

A mediator does not decide the outcome but assists those participating in mediation to find their own solution.

Mediation can be conducted online or in person.

It is important that those mediating feel comfortable and able to share their ideas and concerns in a safe and neutral space. This means that sometimes mediation is arranged on a shuttle basis where the mediator holds separate discussions with each participant (sharing the information between them) to avoid them having to speak directly or see or hear the other person.

Mediation is child-centred, and children of 10 or above are encouraged to become involved in order to have their voice heard, as research shows children and young people value being asked what they think. 

Funding mediation

Legal aid is available for mediation. You can find out more information here. If you qualify for legal aid, you are entitled to basic free legal advice from a local solicitor during mediation.

The Family Mediation Council are currently offering vouchers of up to £500 to families mediating children matters. There is no eligibility assessment for this, and they are open to anyone, provided you have not had a voucher in the past. To find out more, contact your local mediator.

Find a mediator

Find a mediator

Further information

Advicenow also has a guide about Family Mediation.

Family Arbitration

Family arbitration is a form of private dispute resolution in which the parties enter into an agreement under which they appoint a suitably qualified person (an “arbitrator”) to adjudicate a dispute and make an award.  It can be used to resolve financial disputes and disputes concerning children. Family arbitration is likened to court proceedings in that a family arbitrator will produce a decision after considering the evidence and each party’s case. In financial cases the decision is called an award and in children cases it is called a determination.

Find an Arbitrator

IFLA | Institute of Family Law Arbitrators